Mba essay writing
Title For Gun Control Essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Professional Issue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Proficient Issue - Essay Example Around 50 percent of the complete populace of kids in Britain somewhere in the range of 9 and 12 years old utilize the long range informal communication locales regardless of the set up cutoff points of least age. As indicated by EUKidsOnline, in any event one in each five kids has a profile on Facebook in spite of the way that the principles expect youngsters to be 13 years of age to have a Facebook profile (BBC, 2011). The matter of wellbeing of the blameless clients of informal communication locales like kids is easy to refute. This paper draws a basic examination of the contention that long range informal communication locales present dangers to the security of kids. An Overview of the Laws in UK identified with Social Networking Sites Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 Organizations in the UK that manage the data about living just as the recognizable individuals are obliged to show consistence with the DPA 1998 arrangements. Specialist co-ops must be cautious while preparing childre n’s data to agree to the DPA 1998 arrangements. This incorporates the suppliers of long range interpersonal communication destinations that assemble the users’ individual information to empower the enlistment. ... Be that as it may, the new necessities of warning likewise incorporate the email addresses’ enlistment. The administration has suggested that these boycotted email delivers be sent to the long range interpersonal communication destinations with the goal that they can browse the email addresses against the ones in their client base and in like manner, deactivate the coordinating records. Direction Report by the Home Office Task Force on Child Protection The Home Office Task Force on Child Protection distributed a note of direction on the Internet in April, 2008 whose goal was to upgrade the wellbeing of youngsters utilizing the long range interpersonal communication destinations. Alongside filling in as an asset of training for the guardians, the direction gives the suppliers of the long range informal communication administrations with suggestions on approaches to work the locales so that security of the clients is augmented. The direction report of the Home Office recognizes the way that no condition is totally alright for youngsters in any conditions, however dangers can be decreased by changing the default settings of protection for the clients under 18 years old to private, making the private profiles of the clients beneath 18 years old non-accessible without the users’ assent, away from of the data that would be openly accessible that what might be private at the hour of enrollment, assertion of straightforward and easy to understand methods of announcing misuse, debilitation for kids to give over the top data about themselves, and foundation of an arrangement of sharing of reports of maltreatment between the law requirement organizations and the business (The In-House Lawyer, 2008, p. 82). Notwithstanding that, the legislature of the UK â€Å"set rules requiring the sharing of the ‘email addresses’ of enrolled sex wrongdoers to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove Chapter 2~3 Free Essays
string(35) ligament finger joints replaced. Two The Sea Beast The cooling pipes at the Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant were totally molded from the best treated steel. Before they were introduced, they were x-rayed, ultrasounded, and compel tried to be certain that they would never break, and in the wake of being welded into place, the welds were likewise x-rayed and tried. The radioactive steam from the center left its warmth in the channels, which drained it off into a seawater cooling lake, where it was securely vented to the Pacific. We will compose a custom paper test on The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove Chapter 2~3 or on the other hand any comparative point just for you Request Now Yet, Diablo had been based on a very quick timetable during the vitality alarm of the seventies. The welders worked twofold and triple movements, driven by voracity and cocaine, and the investigators who ran the X-beam machines were on a similar timetable. Furthermore, they missed one. Not a significant slip-up. Only a minuscule break. Scarcely perceptible. A tiny stream of innocuous, low-level radiation floated out with the tide and floated over the mainland rack, scattering as it went, until even the most delicate instruments would have missed it. However the hole didn’t go absolutely undetected. In the profound channel off California, almost a lowered well of lava where the waters raced to 700 degrees Fahrenheit and dark smokers heaved billows of mineral soup, an animal was awakened from a long sleep. Eyes the size of supper platters winked out the silt and rest of years. It was intuition, sense, and memory: the Sea Beast’s mind. It ate the remaining parts of a depressed Russian atomic submarine: meaty little mariners softened by the weight of the profundities and spiced with interesting radioactive marinade. Memory woke the brute, and like a kid baited from under the spreads on a blanketed morning by the smell of bacon fricasseeing, it flicked its incredible tail, broke liberated from the sea floor, and started a moderate climb into the ebb and flow of delectable treats. A present that ran along the shore of Pine Cove. Mavis Mavis hurled back an injection of Bushmills to bring some relief from her dissatisfaction at not having the option to whack anybody with her play club. She wasn’t extremely furious that Molly had nibbled a client. All things considered, he was a traveler and evaluated over the mice in the dividers simply because he conveyed money. Possibly the way that something had really occurred in the Slug would acquire a little business. Individuals would come in to hear the story, and Mavis could extend, conjecture, and perform most stories into in any event three beverages a tell. Business had been easing back in the course of the most recent few years. Individuals didn’t appear to need to bring their issues into a bar. Time was, on some random evening, you’d have three or four folks at the bar, pouring down lagers as they spilled their guts, so loaded up with self-hatred that they’d snap a vertebra to abstain from getting their own appearance in the large mirror behind the bar. On a given night, the stools would be brimming with individuals who whimpered and snarled and bitched throughout the night, delaying just long enough to lurch to the washroom or to forfeit a quarter to the jukebox’s broad self indulgence determination. Misery sold a great deal of liquor, and it had been hard to come by these most recent couple of years. Mavis accused the blasting economy, Val Riordan, and vegetables in the eating routine for the bitterness deficiency, and she battled the deceptive trespassers by running two-for-one glad hours with greasy mea t snacks (The general purpose of party time was to cleanse joy, wasn’t it?), yet the entirety of her endeavors just served to slice her benefits down the middle. In the event that Pine Cove could no longer deliver misery, she would import a few, so she promoted for a Blues artist. The old Black man wore shades, a calfskin fedora, a worn out dark fleece suit that was unreasonably substantial for the climate, red suspenders over a Hawaiian shirt that donned topless hula young ladies, and creaky dark on-white wing tips. He set his guitar case on the bar and climbed onto a stool. Mavis peered toward him dubiously and lit a Tarryton 100. She’d been instructed as a young lady not to confide in Black individuals. â€Å"Name your poison,†she said. He removed his fedora, uncovering a sparkling earthy colored hair loss that shone like cleaned pecan. â€Å"You gots some wine?†â€Å"Cheap-crap red or modest poo white?†Mavis positioned a hip, riggings and apparatus clicked. â€Å"Them modest crap young men done extended. Used to be jus’ one flavor.†â€Å"Red or white?†â€Å"Whatever best, sweetness.†Mavis hammered a tumbler onto the bar and filled it with yellow fluid from a frosty container in the well. â€Å"That’ll be three bucks.†The Black man connected †thick sharp nails skating the bar surface, long fingers waving like limbs, looking, the hand like an ocean animal trapped in a tidal wash †and missed the glass by four inches. Mavis drove the glass into his hand. â€Å"You blind?†â€Å"No, it be dull in here.†â€Å"Take off your shades, idjit.†â€Å"I can’t do that, ma’am. Shades go with the trade.†â€Å"What exchange? Don’t you attempt to sell pencils in here. I don’t endure beggars.†â€Å"I’m a Bluesman, ma’am. I hear ya’ll lookin for one.†Mavis took a gander at the guitar case on the bar, at the Black man in conceals, at the long fingernails of his correct hand, the short nails and bumpy dark calluses on the fingertips of his left, and she stated, â€Å"I ought to have speculated. Do you have any experience?†He snickered, a chuckle that began where it counts and shook his shoulders in transit up and chugged out of his throat like a steam motor leaving a passage. â€Å"Sweetness, I got me more experience than a busload o’ hos. Ain’t no residue settled a day on Catfish Jefferson since God done previously dropped him on this enormous ol’ ball o’ dust. That’s me, call me Catfish.†He shook hands like a sissy, Mavis thought, simply let her have the tips of his fingers. She used to do that before she had her ligament finger joints supplanted. You read The Lust Lizard of Melancholy Cove Chapter 2~3 in class Paper models She didn’t need any ligament old Blues vocalist. â€Å"I’m going to require somebody through Christmas. Would you be able to remain that long or would your residue settle?†â€Å"I ‘spose I could hinder a piece. Too cold to even think about going back East.†He checked out the bar, attempting to take in the dinge and smoke through his dull glasses, at that point turned around to her. â€Å"Yeah, I may have the option to clear my calendar if††and here he smiled and Mavis could see a gold tooth there with a melodic note cut in it †â€Å"if the cash is right,†he said. â€Å"You’ll get food and lodging and a level of the bar. You bring ’em in, you’ll make money.†He considered, scratched his cheek where white stubble seemed like a toothbrush against sandpaper, and stated, â€Å"No, pleasantness, you bring ’em in. When they hear Catfish play, they return. Presently what rate did you have in mind?†Mavis stroked her jawline hair, pulled it directly to its full three inches. â€Å"I’ll need to hear you play.†Catfish gestured. â€Å"I can play.†He flipped the hooks on his guitar case and pulled out a sparkling National steel body guitar. From his pocket he pulled a cutoff bottleneck and with a contort it fell onto the little finger of his left hand. He played a harmony to test tune, pulled the bottleneck from the fifth to the ninth and moved it there, high and crying. Mavis could smell something like buildup, greenery perhaps, an adjustment in dampness. She sniffed and glanced around. She hadn’t had the option to smell anything for a long time. Catfish smiled. â€Å"The Delta,†he said. He propelled into a twelve-bar Blues, playing the bass line with his thumb, screeching the high notes with the slide, shaking to and fro on the bar stool, the light of the neon Coors sign behind the bar playing hues in the impression of shades and his bare head. The daytime regulars gazed upward from their beverages, quit lying for a second, and Slick McCall missed a straight-in eight-ball shot on the quarter table, which he never did. What's more, Catfish sang, beginning high and frightful, going low and lumpy. â€Å"They’s a mean ol’ lady run a bar out on the Coast. I’m letting you know, they’s a mean ol’ lady run a bar out on the Coast. Be that as it may, when she gets you under the spreads, That ol’ lady turn your buttered bread to toast.†And afterward he halted. â€Å"You’re hired,†Mavis said. She pulled the container of white modest poop out of the well and sloshed some into Catfish’s glass. â€Å"On the house.†Simply then the entryway opened and an impact of daylight slice through the dinge and smoke and remaining Blues and Vance McNally, the EMT, strolled in and set his radio on the bar. â€Å"Guess what?†he said to everybody and nobody specifically. â€Å"That pioneer lady hung herself.†A low murmur went through the regulars. Catfish put his guitar for its situation and got his wine. â€Å"Sho’ ’nuff a tragic day startin right off the bat in this little town. Sho’ ’nuff.†â€Å"Sho’ ’nuff,†said Mavis with a chortle like a treated steel hyena. Valerie Riordan Sorrow has a death pace of fifteen percent. Fifteen percent of all patients with significant sadness will end their own lives. Insights. Hard numbers in a soft science. Fifteen percent. Dead. Val Riordan had been rehashing the figures to herself since Theophilus Crowe had called, however it wasn’t helping her vibe any better about what Bess Leander had done. Val had never lost a patie
Friday, August 21, 2020
How to Write the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Supplement 2019-2020 TKG
How to Write the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) Supplement 2019-2020 The University of Pennsylvania is an Ivy League school in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with just over 10,000 undergraduate students. While all of the undergraduate programs are impressive, the school gets especially high praise in the fields of finance, business, and anthropology. Penn is also known for the Huntsman program, which has an acceptance rate so low that the school no longer reports it. The acceptance rate for the class of 2023 was 7.4%. Important note: This blog post addresses the two Penn specific essays that all undergraduate applicants must submit. There are additional essays for students applying to coordinated dual-degree and specialized programs. Be sure to look into the specific essay requirements if you’re applying to a specialized program. Now onto the supplements. Last year Penn had one only writing supplement, which was a 650-word “Why Us†prompt. Penn changed the game this year, and their supplement is now split into two questions. The format and wording o f these questions make it clear that Penn wants all applicants to be incredibly precise with their answers. These are very pointed questions, and at the risk of sounding harsh, if you don’t know the answers to them then Penn might not be a good fit for you. Your dedication to attending Penn, and only Penn, needs to jump off of the page. You’ll achieve this by talking about Penn-specific offerings that are strongly linked to your interests and background. The first question is below:How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests, and how will you explore them at the University of Pennsylvania? Please respond considering the specific undergraduate school you have selected. (300-450 words)Something that should jump out at you right away regarding this prompt is that there is no mention of the word “undecided.†Some schools will include something to the effect of “if you are undecided or open to the many possibilities of our academic catalogue, please explain.†But not Penn. An important takeaway from the wording of this question is that they don’t want you to be undecided, and they’re not looking for students that plan to figure out their academic interest while at Penn. The first part of the question asks: “How did you discover your intellectual and academic interests?†This is where you’ll delve into what we call an origin story, which is a story about how your academic interests came to be. Some people have known from a young age what they want to major in, while others stumbled upon a potential path while in school. Either way, you’re being asked to share that story. If you grew up begging your parents to take you to local buildings and structures and you studied their design, that could be the impetus for your desire to major in architecture. You don’t need to write a novel (be mindful of word count) but explain how your academic interests came to fruition. Your origin story should lead directly into the second part o f your response, which is where you tell Penn what you plan to major in. Here, you’ll address this part of the question: How will you explore them (meaning your intellectual and academic interests) at the University of Pennsylvania?Look at Penn’s majors and choose the program that is most closely related to your academic interests. If you don’t know what you want to major in, think about the classes that you’ve enjoyed the most and projects that you worked on that you found interesting. Once you’ve decided on what you plan to major in, do a deep dive into the course offerings. Saying that you want to major in architecture isn’t enough, you need to explain why you want to major in architecture at Penn. Let’s stick with the architecture example. Look at the course offerings of your desired major and find upper level courses that you want to take. If you’re bored looking through the catalogue, you’re not looking at the right major. It’s important to write about uppe r level classes (200 and above) because introductory level courses are offered everywhere, and are not Penn specific. If you’ve taken Visual Art in high school, you might consider Visual Studies (ARCH 521-102). If you’re more interested in architecture from specific time periods and/or places, you might look at Modern Architecture in Japan: Culture, Place, Tectonics (ARCH 711-004.) Whatever you choose to write about, you need specific reasons as to why you want to take that class. Look until you’ve found two classes (and this will require digging up syllabi) that touch on areas of the field that you’re interested in. Maybe you’ve taken an online class, read a book, or done a summer program that is somehow related to the subject matter of a certain course. In addition to writing about classes, you should look for professors whose work you really care about, research opportunities, lectures, and any other Penn specific academic findings that interest you. In other words, wha t can you study at Penn that you can’t study elsewhere? We understand that this sounds overwhelming, but it’s something that you can only find by spending a lot of time with the website, talking to current students, stalking social media, and talking to alumni and/or professors if you can. The more research you do, the better. Penn is very proud of their academic offerings, and this supplement is your opportunity to show them that you’re going to take advantage of their resources should you get in. The second question is below:At Penn, learning and growth happen outside of the classroom, too. How will you explore the community at Penn? Consider how this community will help shape your perspective and identity, and how your identity and perspective will help shape this community. (150-200 words)The second part of this question is an intimidating read, but the question is actually very straightforward and they have set up a structure for you. They’re asking what you plan to do outside of the classroom while you’re at Penn, and how you’ll contribute to that group/community.Start by looking at Penn’s student clubs and organizations. The extracurricular activity that you choose to write about should be an extension of your activities from high school. You can join any club you want once you get there, but for this supplement you need to find something that is related to what you’ve been doing and explain why you plan to continue doing it at Penn. This might require a bit of digging on your part. We found a few different links online: try starting here or here. If you can talk to current students about group they’re involved with, even better. As for what you’ll contribute to the community, or as its worded above “how your perspective will help shape this communityâ€, write about how what you’ve been doing in high school makes you a good fit for the club. This essay is not just about what you’ll gain from joining a club, it’s about what y ou have to contribute to the existing members. A few final tips:Don’t forget to look into the requirements for specific programsDon’t reuse information from other supplements Edit, edit, and edit some more. If you want help brainstorming and writing your supplement, contact us here.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Soldier s Military Service - 1799 Words
The Soldier’ s Story As a United States Soldier, one of the first things learned is the Soldiers’ Creed. The focus of the creed is loyalty, duty, and respect. The Warriors’ Creed is also found within this creed (in italics). The memorization of this statement of beliefs is mandatory and is learned during basic combat training. A soldier is expected to know and be ready to recite it during drills, formation, ceremonies, and upon request, but most importantly, a soldier is expected to live it. This essay is an account of a real-life experience of a United States Army soldier. Throughout this paper, I will refer to him as â€Å"the soldier.†Is this paper, I will discuss the soldier’s military service in relation to the Soldier’s Creed, how disability shifted his position as a soldier, how the shift revealed the Army’s practice of ableism, how the soldier’s current use of cyborg has eradicated him from the impairment of diabetes, thus moving him from disability to able-bodiedness, and lastly how cyborg could have salvaged his military career. From a phenomenological view, the soldier’s body as subject theorized how his body interacted with the world, acquired meaning and gained access in the world, specifically access to his successful military career. According to Merleau-Ponty, (as cited in Patterson and Hughes, 1999) â€Å" it is through the body that people gain access to the world†(p. 601). The Soldier’s Creed r epresented the very essence of this soldier;Show MoreRelatedMy Little Pony Art Of World War II1641 Words  | 7 Pagesstatements carry merit as there were a number of World War 2 military planes adorned with images of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck ready for battle. Even in the Brony fandom there exists a large a cache of military inspired My Little Pony art located on websites like DeviantArt portraying ponies military garb. There has even been an Air Force squadron which adopted a redesigned My Little Pony logo as their unit patch. Other soldiers defend their position as a Brony by expressing the need for peopleRead MoreMandatory Urinalysis Should Not Be Used Against A Soldier1448 Words  | 6 Pagesdischarge was based on one isolated incident in 36 months of service good with no other adverse action. The applicant further contends, the results of a mandatory urinalysis should not be used against a Soldier on the issue of characterization. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Women And The Criminal Justice System - 976 Words
Women and Men in the Criminal Justice System Throughout history, the criminal justice system has mainly focused on men entering the criminal justice system rather than women. This is not portrayed largely by the media and society because it is not truly considered a highlight topic. Men and women face incarceration on a daily basis, causing them both to have different experiences based on their gender. The crimes and punishment faced by each gender is different and can affect the way society views the person as an individual and/or as a group. The nature and role in society can be a factor of the incarceration and the experience they may face while in the criminal justice system. Although the depiction of men entering the criminal justice system is portrayed regularly, the rate of women entering the criminal justice system has faced a higher increase than men entering the system. Types of Crimes Committed: Men vs. Women Men who enter the criminal justice system are depicted by society as violent individuals rather than women who are often depicted as accomplices who are often times unaware of things happening around them. In a study conducted, it was found that â€Å"almost 13 percent of men were jailed on murder charges and 13 percent for rape or sexual assault, while 11 percent of female inmates were there on murder charges and 2 percent for rape or sexual assault.†This in many cases is tested to be true since men are more violent than men in nature and due to the fact thatShow MoreRelatedWomen Of The Criminal Justice System1364 Words  | 6 Pagescreated to work with women in each stage of the criminal justice process. The three stages referred to within this organization are women who are at risk, are involved in the criminal justice system, and recovery and transition from institutions, to effectively reintegrate back into society (Elizabeth F ry Society of Greater Vancouver, 2012). The organization was established by Elizabeth Fry, 1839, who was deemed a significant advocate for humane treatment of women, specializing in women and children regardingRead MoreWomen in the Criminal Justice System1575 Words  | 6 PagesWomen in the Criminal Justice System The field of Criminal Justice, like so many of the employment fields within the United States, is a largely male-dominated field. In the minds of many individuals around the country, and around the world, the mention of the Criminal Justice field brings to mind the image of strong male law enforcement officials employed to both protect their respective communities and keep a sea of male criminals under the watchful eye of the law. It may, then, surprise manyRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System And Women1773 Words  | 8 PagesHistory of Sentencing Disparities in sentencing have existed since the dawn of the Criminal Justice System and women are seen to be favoured by the system when compared to men because of notions that women offenders are more cooperative in the judicial process, women are primary care givers to children and that they are only accessories of crime because of the association with male criminals. However, it is not until recently that appearing as a defendant has changed from an intimidating experienceRead MoreThe Treatment Of Women Within The Criminal Justice System1880 Words  | 8 Pageshave been many changes in the treatment of offenders by the Criminal Justice System in England and Wales, particularly the treatment of female offenders. The handling of women within the criminal justice system has been closely tied to their social characteristics, and to what might be described as their ‘social construction’. On the other hand, women who compromise more than half of the world’s population, account for only 15% of criminal activity and as a consequence, relatively little attentionRead MoreWomen And Girls : The Criminal Justice System : Final Exam1366 Words  | 6 PagesCRJA 4125: Women and Girls in the Criminal Justice System: Final Exam Name: ________________________________________________ This exam is to be taken individually, and not shared with others. There are three sections of the exam: Part A is multiple-choice, T/F, fill-in; Part B is a short essay; and Part C is a longer essay that gives you a chance to synthesize concepts and ideas you learned in the course. (The exam is worth a total of 38 points.) (Note: Grading criteria for Part B and C: YouRead MoreThe Inequality Between Men And Women During The Criminal Justice System1555 Words  | 7 Pagesn environment constructed to diminish the idea of self-worth and freedom, women attempt to recreate a better version of themselves while confronting the disparities between men and women in the criminal justice system. Unless sentenced for life, inmates will eventually be released from the place holding them in captivity for their crimes. Prison, however, should not just be a place that contains convicts, but it should be a place that teaches the rules of a civilized person and it should do soRead MoreThe Barriers Of Indigenous Australian Women Face Within The Criminal Justice System970 Words  | 4 Pagesexperience inequality through the education and criminal justice system, specifically Indigenous women. This is highlighted throughout the report through various statistical data including tables and graphs. Furth er discussion on the link between these statistics to current unit concepts will be addressed in this report to expose the barriers that Indigenous Australian women face within the criminal justice system. The statistical overview on the education system will focus on the Indigenous populationRead MoreThe Criminal Justice System Is Locking Our Young Men And Young Women Under Juveniles1885 Words  | 8 Pages The criminal justice system is locking our young men and young women under the age of sixteen in prison for the rest of their lives. These are children who are just becoming teenagers and still have the possibility of living production lives. These are children who make the wrong decision because of impulse or persuasion. Have we lost hope in our youth of tomorrow.? Do we just give up on our kids because they make a mistake? Does placing a child in an adult prison decrease crime among juvenilesRead MoreGender Differences and the Criminal Justice System683 Words  | 3 PagesGender and the Criminal Justice System It would be foolish to assert that gender plays no role in the criminal justice system, just as it would be equally foolish to say that race plays no role in this system either. Covington and Bloom cite the work of Kivel (1992) in reminding all that Where sexism is prevalent, one of the gender dynamics frequently found is that something declared genderless or gender neutral is, in fact, male oriented. The same phenomenon occurs in terms of race in a racistRead MoreCriminal Justice Trends Evaluation1581 Words  | 7 PagesWEEK 1 Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation John Doe CJA 394 October 01, 2001 Jane Doedy Criminal Justice Trends Evaluation The criminal justice system is forever adjusting to protect and serve a changing society. The paper evaluates, identifies and assesses recent future and current trends affecting the criminal justice system. Lastly, it defines the values of the system in a changing society. Recent trends affecting the criminal justice system are related
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Pharmacology Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Question: Discuss about the Pharmacologyfor Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Answer: Introduction The acute lymphoblastic leukemia refers to a malignant disease which mostly affects the bone marrow, a region where the early lymphoid precursors grow (Inaba et al., 2013). This disease leads to the replacement of the normal hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow. The acute lymphoblastic leukemia is so far the most common form of leukemia cancer in the children. More specifically, acute lymphoblastic leukemia refers to a condition in which the tissues which make the white blood cells produce too many of the white blood cells which are underdeveloped in the lymphocytes (Harrison and Johansson, 2015). The immature white blood cells then accumulate in the lymph tissues making these tissues to swell and make it difficult for the bone marrow to produce other blood cells. For instance, if the bone marrow is not able to make the red blood cells, the patient develops anemia, which in most cases makes one appear pale, as presented in Jenny's case on her skin (Ribera, 2016). The bone marrow al so becomes unable to make enough platelets that are important in the formation of clots, which means that in the case of bruises or injuries, the body bleeds severely. It is also a common occurrence in acute lymphoblastic leukemia, for the lymphocytes to invade other neighboring tissues and impair their functions as well. The leukemic cells in acute lymphoblastic leukemia commence in either the T or B cell lymphocytes (McNeer et al., 2017). The acute lymphoblastic leukemia is associated with the cancer cases which are common in old men, indicating that their treatment in children requires high doses of chemotherapy. There are multiple types of leukemia which are affecting the children in the modern world (Brentjens et al., 2013). In reference to Jenny's case, the acute lymphoblastic leukemia affects children of between three to seven years. This paper addresses the pathophysiology and pharmacology of acute lymphoblastic leukemia in reference to Jennys case. Diagnosis Chromosomes have been linked with an early and accurate diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukemia. For instance, TEL-AML 1 fused genes are indicative of the leukemia of B-cell origin and favorable disease prognosis. Moreover, in performing of the acute lymphoblastic leukemia diagnosis, it is important to take the patient history in order to understand the possibility of the disease being hereditary or not. It is a common practice, just like in the case of Jenny for the blood sample to be taken for blood tests such as platelets, hemoglobin, and white blood cell counts. The lumbar puncture can also be done so that cerebral spinal fluid is tested for the possible spread of the disease to the spinal cord and the brain. Other tests include the peripheral blood smear, complete differential blood count, chest x-ray, computed tomography, electrocardiography, liver function tests (uric acid), and immunohistochemistry and polymerase chain reaction among others. Signs and Symptoms Other common signs include fatigue, pale skin, pain in the bones, weakness, headache due to cranial pressure and pallor. Some other common signs and symptoms include pain in the bones, possible infections like pneumonia, and rashes of the skin as a result of the infiltration of the leukemia cells, low neutrophil counts, bleeding, fever and leukostasis. Pathophysiology In patients who have been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the white blood cells which are found in the lymphoid precursor cells are those which that have been arrested in the course of their growth and development (Pui et al., 2014). This makes them unable to fight any infections in the body s a result of the viral, parasitic, fungal and bacterial pathogens which might enter the body via the blood stream. It is believed that most of these cases are caused by genetic factors a situation in which there is an abnormal expression of the genetic structure of a physiological process which leads to the arresting of the growth as well as the development of the white blood cells. In the process of this arresting of the lymphoid precursor cells, the elements of the normal bone marrow are replaced by immature precursor cells (Papaemmanuil et al., 2014). The accumulation of the immature precursor cells causes the increased efficiency in the spread of the abnormal cells in the blood. These abnormal cells accumulate in the spin cord and the brain of the patient and in other few cases, the spread to the reproductive organs (Inaba et al., 2013). The patients are also reported to have a low concentration of the platelets and red blood cells, just like in people suffering from anemia. The low production of red blood cells is associated with the bleeding in these patients as compared to healthy individuals (McNeer et al., 2017). However, if the acute lymphoblastic leukemia has spread to the spinal cord and the brain, it requires care and attention by the doctors when offering treatment. It is recommended that when a patient is diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, chemotherapy treatment should begin immediately. In case there are some abnormal chromosomes noted during the diagnosis, the doctors need to make a careful decision on when to begin the treatment. In some other cases, the doctors may use the induction therapy, a situation in which a patient receives more than one drug for every dosage. This helps to strengthen the drugs for a better effectiveness. For chemotherapy, it can be carried out either through the oral administration or by putting a catheter in the chest on the upper part of the chest. During acute lymphoblastic leukemia infections, some patients may accumulate so much of the uric acid in the blood which leads to the development of painful kidney stones. Other possible cause of this disease condition could be exposure to radiations, chemicals as well as viral infections. The viral related cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia are quite common in the Carribean region as well as Japan. An example is the Epstein Barr virus which is associated with mononucleosis and can possibl e cause acute lymphoblastic leukemia. This disease is common in children and a few cases in adults and it is characterized by a low cure rate. Analysis of prenatal cases indicates that this disease is inherited, whereby genetic abnormalities have been found in parental genes. In some instances, there are theories which argue that there might be a possibility of clustering of cases of his infection, a situation which is sometimes caused by the increased industrialization of the modern society. Increased cases of acute lymphoblastic leukemia can be as a result of exposure to pathogens as a result of mixing up of the population. In other occasions, the late exposure to a pathogen may push a hematopoietic cell prenatally upon infection thereby causing the predisposing genetic factors to form transformed leukemia cells. It has been observed that the lymphocytes which are intended for differentiation into either B or T cell lymphocyte in the early stages of life are transformed as a result of chromosome translocations and even tually end up causing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. It is also believed that this condition is initiated by a single progenitor cell which divides at a very high rate and thus multiplies in the lymphoid tissues rapidly. The majority of these cells begin in the B or T cells, although they mostly start in the B cells which have not yet become mature (Davila et al., 2014). Pharmacology Chemotherapy is one of the treatment options for acute lymphoblastic leukemia infection. It involves the use of chemicals and drugs either singly or in combination in order to destroy the malignant cells in the blood or tissues of the patients (Kantarjian et al., 2017). The drugs for chemotherapy are administered either orally, through intravenous routes or injection into the skin or muscles. Chemotherapy is usually administered in cycles for a given period of time, then followed by a recovery period which is then followed by another treatment period and progresses in that pattern. The drugs and chemicals used during chemotherapy enter the blood stream where they kill the leukemia cells in the body (McNeer et al., 2017). A major drawback with this form of treatment is that it is not able to reach into the spinal cord and brain (Hunger and Mullighan, 2015). This is because there is an existence of a large network of blood vessels which prevents foreign materials from entering into the central nervous system. In this case, the caregivers inject these drugs directly into the cerebrospinal fluid which then distributes into the brain. For the radiotherapy form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia treatment, ionizing radiations are used to kill malignant cells and the DNA containing the mutant genes responsible for the infection. Once the best dose for radiation is determined, a specific angle and beam are employed in order to have the high energy radiation beam targeting the exact location for some time (Vora et al., 2016). Despite the fact that the uninfected parts of the body are covered, sometimes even the normal cells might get damaged leading to the development of the sunburns on the skin and other side effects like nausea and diarrhea. The use of bone marrow transplantation is also a common method of treatment which is employed in acute lymphoblastic leukemia cases. In this case, since the bone marrow is no longer functional, it is completely destroyed by the use of chemotherapy and ionizing radiation (Topp et al., 2015). The patient is then given new healthy bone marrow from a donor so that it is perfectly compa tible with their own bone marrow. Conclusion Once the acute lymphoblastic leukemia appears, these are the common signs and symptoms, diagnosis methods and treatment options that are available for use. However, the fact is that leukemia is a type of cancer which has a low cure rate and most patients end up losing their lives. 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